
Sunday, December 22, 2019

Week 1 Day 2 Activity 3 Miracle on the Hudson

Hello Guys and Girls,

My activity is Miracle on Hudson, I'm going to write what I did bravely.

In Taekwondo In sparring (friendly fight) I fought a junior black belt.

What did you do bravely?


  1. Hi Tiffany!

    Me again. Congratulations on completing another activity - you're doing a great job. :)

    Wow! That is brave. What colour belt are you? How long have you been doing Taekwondo?

    Hmm... Oh! Something brave I have done is bungee jumping. I used to be quite scared of heights but now I've done three bungee jumps! It's so much fun. Have you been bungee jumping before?

    Have a great day, Tiffany. Keep the Summer Learning Journey posts coming! :)

    Bye for now,


    1. Hi Mikey,

      I'm a black stripe. The time I fought a junior black belt I was a red belt. It was also grading, so when we finish grading we earn a new belt or we fail. I've been doing Taekwondo for almost four years.

      I haven't been bungee jumping before. but that's very brave!

      Have a good year.


    2. Kia ora Tiffany,

      Wow! That's quite a long time. You must be very good. What's the difference between a black stripe and a black belt?

      Have a lovely afternoon and I hope to hear from you soon. :)

      Bye for now,


    3. Hi Mikey,

      A black stripe is a lower grade for the belt that your suppose to have. It also makes you have time to work harder. A black belt is a higher rank.

      have a good day,


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