
Thursday, January 14, 2021

Camping Hacks

 Ki ora Bloggers! 

This summer learning journey activity I'm doing is Camping hacks. So what I have to do is make a camp checklist here is my checklist and a link to it:

Camp Checklist

  1. First aid kit

  2. Tent

  3. Sleeping bags and pillows 

  4. Toiletries

  5. Feminine products

  6. Food and snacks

  7. kitchen equipment

  8. Matches, lamp or torch

  9. Jackets, hats, gloves.

  10. Sunscreen 

  11. Insect repellent

  12. Clothes and  PJs

  13. Books, battery operated radio and board games

  14. Boots and comfortable shoes for walking

  15. Pocket money



Sketchbooks for drawing

Hope you like it!


  1. Kia ora Tiffany,

    What a fantastic list of things to bring! I hadn’t thought of insect repellent but that’s absolutely brilliant! Such a good camping essential to avoid getting covered in bites and being itchy the whole time!

    I also really like how you included a range of different clothing, and some activities to keep you entertained should you get bored or it rains! Ka pai!

    A phone is also a good thing to bring in case of an emergency! When I go camping, I always bring one and a power bank which I leave in my bag the whole time in case something happens or I need help asap!

    Perhaps you could add some pictures and colours to make your post more engaging. For tips and tricks, follow this link.

    Ka kite anō,
    Shannon (SLJ)

    1. Talofa Shannon,

      Thank you for your feedback! I got the idea when I went to the senior camp from my school. that's how I remembered the insect repellent. The phone wasn't in my mind because we weren't allowed to bring phones at our camp. I couldn't really think of more things to add.


    2. Hi Tiffany,

      That makes sense, alternatives to phones can include things like a radio and/or locator beacons. They mean you can have fun without a phone and stay safe!

      Where did you go for senior camp? What fun activities did you do?

      Bye for now,
      Shannon (SLJ)

    3. Ki ora Shannon,

      For senior camp I went to Woodend Christian camp. We did a lot of activities I could create a whole chapter book! But I'll just list it down. the activities we did was: Go Kart, Flying Fox, mini golf, aero jump, water slide orienteering and team building. It was my first camp and it was really fun!



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