
Friday, January 22, 2021


Kia ora bloggers,

Today I did Mondrian art here is my artwork:

Adios Bloggers

My Journey

Ki ora Bloggers,

I finished my "My Journey":

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Pixel Art

 Ki ora bloggers,

Today I did the summer learning activity pixel art. It was very fun. For step it up I learned that 

1. Pixels are a small square that's coloured

2. They are used to create images

3. There are pixels in phones, computers, tablet and TVs

Kick Start:

Step it up:


Thursday, January 14, 2021

Camping Hacks

 Ki ora Bloggers! 

This summer learning journey activity I'm doing is Camping hacks. So what I have to do is make a camp checklist here is my checklist and a link to it:

Camp Checklist

  1. First aid kit

  2. Tent

  3. Sleeping bags and pillows 

  4. Toiletries

  5. Feminine products

  6. Food and snacks

  7. kitchen equipment

  8. Matches, lamp or torch

  9. Jackets, hats, gloves.

  10. Sunscreen 

  11. Insect repellent

  12. Clothes and  PJs

  13. Books, battery operated radio and board games

  14. Boots and comfortable shoes for walking

  15. Pocket money



Sketchbooks for drawing

Hope you like it!

Monday, January 11, 2021

My Summer Collage

 Hello Bloggers,

Today the activity I did was summer collage. it was very fun to do. The dessert at the bottom is called Halo Halo. It's a Filipino dessert and It's really delicious! Halo Halo Means Mixed Together. the middle right dessert is called Taho. It's also a Filipino dessert. I hope you like it!

Friday, January 1, 2021

Which face is real???

Malo Bloggers,

The activity I did today was Which face is real. surprisingly I got 10/10. For the tenth one, I screenshotted it and put it in google drawing here is the link  to it and the google drawing:

Are there any other clues you can find?

Anyways,  happy new year!