
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Blog Commenting

 What I know about commenting on blogs:

To comment on blogs the comments has to be positive and helpful. You can put feedback to help them get better and ask a question at the end. Don't put negative or private information. At the start you can say Hi or any other greetings then the bloggers name and at the end you put your name.

My first comment today is on Francis' Blog:

Hi Francis,

I like how you explained what a school journal is. What Is zapped from your activity? Maybe next time you can be more specific and put more detail so I can understand.


The second comment today is on Storm's Blog:

Hi Storm:

I really like your book and the animals you picked had full of facts in it! maybe you can try draw the animals or add more facts. Why did you pick these animals?


Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Cool Comments and More!

Hi bloggers today me and Storm worked really well for cybersmart! We had to Identify what are the differences between a quality comment and a bad comment. It was really fun and we struggled just a little bit. We worked together all the way! You can see Storm blog here-Blog. This was one of the activity. We did. We had to do thumbs down of which comment is bad, And a thumbs up for the good comments.


Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Treasure Map

Hi Readers,

In maths Storm and I tried someones treasure map and they did our treasure map.

To make a map you need clues or pictures, direction and maybe some fake clues. after you find the location you get a lollipop.🍭🍭 It was fun doing the treasure map.

Have you made a treasure map before?